28 FEBRUARY 2015. In these days of winter, time has been short for blogging and otherwise addressing anything beyond what presents itself as the next emergency or "must do" task. I recognize this is the devil at work in the world. He places before us all that we are constantly bombarded with and cajoles us to believe that this is reality, that this is what is most important. Doing so, the evil one prevents us from lifting our eyes to God, worshipping Him, and spending time in prayer.
Running on at the keyboard:
The Church on earth, always eager for new exemplars of the faith, has a new Doctor of the Church: Saint Gregory of Narek. An Armenian monk, poet, mystical philosopher, and theologian. Pope Francis named Saint Gregory as a Doctor of the Church on 21 February 2015. Look for further AS articles on this wonderful exemplar.
Many saints are at work in the world today. Not only are each of the faithful called to holiness and, thus, to be saints for us all, but the Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere are under terrible and constant attack. Not only have the brutal killings of ISIS or ISIL proved to us today the great persecution of the Church, but so many of the faithful are persecuted each day, and suffer white martyrdom, in the face of a Western culture that ignores God for the glorification of self and self-indulgence.
I and my employer have had many difficulties over the past months as we are the object of attack by ignorant people who are focused on attempting to achieve a legal end by political means. They will not and cannot be successful.
The recent legalization of euthanasia in Canada is another sign that Christian faithful and all those of good will need to redouble their efforts to provide protection for all human life, from conception to natural death. Each of us are made in the image and likeness of God, and each of us are possessed of an immortal soul, which shares in God's divinity by its immortal nature and God's plan for each of us to love Him and share in His being for eternity. Pray for life.
The Academy Awards . . . Why does anyone care?
What joy there is in this season of Lent, for each of us to have the opportunity to examine ourselves in preparation for the death and resurrection of Christ at Easter.
How many know that Pope Francis also created a new sui juris Eastern Rite Church, which is in full communion with Rome? On 19 January 2015 Pope Francis created the Eritrean Catholic Church as a metropolitan sui juris Eastern Particular church distinct from the Ethiopian Catholic Church. It uses the Alexandrian Liturgy.
Thinking of the Eastern Rites, on 15 November 2014, Pope Francis approved a document from the Congregation for the Oriental Churches which permits married priests in the Eastern Rites, in a turn from tradition, to serve outside of their geographic and cultural homes. Coming to the United States, now more so with Anglican Use parishes . . . married priests.
The Lay Dominicans del Espiritu Santo, the Tallahassee, Florida group of Lay Dominican faithful, are eagerly awaiting the celebration of Pentecost and the perpetual profession of our Brother into the fullness of Dominican lay life.
Pray to the Dominican Saints for their intercession for all your needs:
St. Dominic, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
St. Martin de Porres, pray for us.
St. Mary Magdalen, pray for us. (Patroness of the Order)
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
St. Albert the Great, pray for us.
St. Rose of Lima, pray for us.
St. Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.
St. Pius V, pray for us.
All you holy angels and saints, pray for us.
Blessed Virgin Mary, Most Chaste Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us.
Dear readers, please pray for me, and I will pray for you
The Ferial Office During Epiphanytide
1 week ago